Forward Plan: Executive Meeting: 18 July 2024


Table 1: Items scheduled on the Forward Plan for the Executive Meeting on 12 September 2024

Title and Description


Portfolio Holder

Capital Programme Update Monitor 1


Purpose of Report: To provide members with an update on the capital programme.


Members will be asked to note the issues, recommend to Full Council any changes as appropriate.

Debbie Mitchell, Director of Finance (s151)

Executive Members for Finance, Performance, Major Projects, Human Rights, Equality and Inclusion

Finance & Performance Monitor 1


Purpose of Report: To present details of the overall finance and performance position.


Members will be asked to note the report.

Debbie Mitchell, Director of Finance (s151)

Executive Members for Finance, Performance, Major Projects, Human Rights, Equality and Inclusion

Treasury Management Quarter 1 Prudential Indicators


Purpose of Report: To provide members with an update on the treasury management position.


Members will be asked to note the issues and approve any adjustments as required to the prudential indicators or strategy.

Debbie Mitchell, Director of Finance (s151)

Executive Members for Finance, Performance, Major Projects, Human Rights, Equality and Inclusion

Lord Mayoralty Points Allocation


Purpose of Report: To invite the Executive to consider a request to reinstate unspent points foregone in respect of a previous Lord Mayoralty allocation in 2019/2020, and to consequently amend the forthcoming Lord Mayoralty allocations accordingly, to take effect for the forthcoming municipal year, 2025/2026.


Executive will be asked: To consider the reallocation of unspent points to the Conservative Group from the 2019/2020 nomination to the current points calculation, such reinstatement to take effect for the 2025/2026 municipal year.

Bryn Roberts, Director of Governance and Monitoring Officer

Leader of the Council and Executive Member for Policy, Strategy and Partnerships

Delivery of supported affordable housing at Lowfield Plot A


This report will seek approval to develop a vacant plot of land at Lowfield Green for supported housing.


The Executive will be asked to approve the development of supported housing at Lowfield Green.

Michael Jones, Head of Housing Delivery and Asset Management

Executive Member for Housing, Planning and Safer Communities

Prioritisation of Supplementary Planning Documents

Purpose of report: The list of SPDs to produce to support the plan was agreed at Executive in January 2023. This report seeks agreement on their prioritisation and timescales for production and to agree any new SPDs and/or guidance subsequently identified as a priority, and where resources allow.


The Executive will be asked to:


·         Agree the list of prioritised SPDs


·         Agree to additional SPDs and/or guidance production, where subsequently identified as a priority and where resources allow.


This item had been postponed to the Executive meeting on 18 July 2024, and has subsequently been postponed to the Executive meeting on 12 September 2024 due to the impact of the pre-election period.

Alison Cooke, Head of Strategic Planning Policy

Executive Member for Housing, Planning and Safer Communities

Safer York Partnership Community Safety Strategy

Purpose of the Report: The strategy has been approved by Safer York Partnership (Statutory CSP For York). The Council, has a statutory duty under Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 to work in partnership to deliver a strategy to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in York.


The Executive are asked to note the content of the Strategy and to commit to ensuring that City of York Council will continue to support its delivery through the work of services contributing to each of the Strategic Priorities outlined within the Strategy.


The date for this item has been deferred from 18 July to 12 September 2024, this is an internal governance decision due to the General Election in July and a large number of papers being deferred from June’s Executive.

Jane Mowat, Head of Community Safety

Executive Member for Housing, Planning and Safer Communities



Table 2: Items scheduled on the Forward Plan for the Executive Meeting on 10 October 2024


No items currently scheduled.